sori yaa,, belakangan ini gw kehilangan 'gereget' buat nulis blog.. wkwkwk
huahhh,, padahal banyak banget kejadian seru2.. hikz2..
eniwey, baydeway buswey,, tadi tiba2 gw illfeel ma crush gw.. ckckck
ntah knapa tba2 gw ngerasa tuh orang amat sangat kecentilan n pecicilan ma semua cewe.. dan sebenernya beberapa lama yang lalu gw jga uda tau spa yg dia suka.. well, MUNGKIN sebenernya dy ga pecicilan kyk yg gw kira c.. di satu sisi gw mikir klo begitulah cara sosialisasi orang2 yg 'populer',, lawan jenis jga bsa jadi temen baik.. dan klo dia ga deket ma gw, gw jga ga bsa ngomel2.. siapa juga gw, smpe2 dia mo ngobrol ma gw. cuma disisi lain,, MENURUT GWE SMUA CEWE DIEMBAT MA DIAAAAA!!!!!!!!!! TT.TT
huaaa,, gw bnr2 uda ga ngerti ma cara pikir gw.. gw bsa sadar klo gw mungkin bkan spa2 buat dia,, tapi pada saat yang sama gw jga berpikir klo gw pasti di 'highlight' ma dia diantara org2 lain.. duhh,, entah nmanya narsis ato apa.. beneran gw uda pusing banget deh..
huhh,, sudahlah,, mari kita membicarakan sesuatu yang lebih menyenangkan..
pertma,, gw mo ngasi lirik lgu Jason Mraz (lagi.. =P) yg berjudul Mr. Curiousity,, yg mnurut gw lgi cocok banget ma keadaan gw skarang..
beneran deh, kayaknya gw uda jatuh cinta ma Jason Mraz.. I mean, he's not just tallented,, he's also HOT!! wakakakkk,, yasuw lah.. nih liriknyaaa
Mr. Curiousity
Hey Mr. Curiosity
Is it true what they've been saying about you
Are you killing me?
You took care of the cat already
And for those who think it's heavy
Is it the truth
Or is it only gossip
Call it mystery or anything
Just as long as you'd call me
I sent the message on did you get it when I left it
See this catastrophic event
It wasn't meant to mean no harm
But to think there's nothing wrong is a problem
I'm looking for love this time
Sounding hopeful but it's making me cry
(trying not to ask why)
Love is a mystery
Mr. Curious...
Come back to me
Mr. waiting ever patient can't you see
That I'm the same the way you left me
In a hurry to spell check me
And I'm underlined already in envy green
And pencil red
And I've forgotten what you've said
Will you stop working for the dead and return
Mr. curious well I need some inspiration
It's my birthday and I cannot find no cause for celebration
The scenario is grave but I'll be braver when you save me
From this situation laden with hearsay
I'm looking for love this time
Sounding hopeful but it's making me cry
(trying not to ask why)
And love is a mystery
Mr. Curiosity
Be Mr. please
Do come and find me, oh
Find, find me, find me
I'm looking for love this time
Sounding hopeful but it's making me cry
(Trying not to ask why)
Cause love is a mystery
Mr. curiosity
Be Mr. please
Do come and find me
Love is blinding when the timing's never right
Oh who am I to beg for difference
Finding love in just an instant
Well I dont mind, at least I've tried
And I tried, I tried...
hikz,, lagunya sukses bikin gw nangis.. padahal lagunya cepet.. gw binggung, knpa lgu2nya Jason Mraz selalu pas banget liriknya buat kehidupan gw.. huahh,, mank uda jodoh kali yaa.. (maunyaa.. wakakakkk)
ok2,, kedua..
gw mo promosi sebuah toko ice cream yang sangat enaakkkkkkkkk~~
well,, coldstone tuh toko eskrim yang unik banget, karena mereka nyiapin eskrim, tanpa topping apa2,, dan mereka juga nyiapin topping n fudge yang terpisah.. dan toppingnya jga banyaaakkkk,, banget n macem2.. dari yang biasa kayak chocolate fudge, chocolate chip, karamel n stroberi,, ampe yang ga normal kayak adonan kue, pie crust, yellow cake, sampe health bar yang bahkan gw ga tau apaan dan gimana rupa rasanya.. jadi kita bisa piih eskrim mana yang kita mau, truz milih topping apa yang kita mau.. klo toppingnya lebih dari 1 di charge yaa.. coldstone jga nyediain signature creations yang bisa kita pilih.. harganya uda dipukul rata, jadi berapapun topping yg ada di signature creations itu, harganya tetep sama.. nih beberapa diantaranya..
namanya lucu2 kn?? wkwkwk yang uda pernah gw coba, chocolate devotion(buat pencinta coklat,, pilih yang ini..),, cookie doughn't you want some( cookie doughnya enak bangeeettt!!)
sma the pie who loved me(cheesecake ice cream, graham cracker pie crust, oreo cookie, fudge.. klo mo coba sesuatu yang baru, pilih yang ini.. enak juga koq..)
ok deh,, uda malem.. sebenernya masih banyak yg mo gw promosiin.. tpi gw uda ga kuat.. jadi promosinya segini aj yakh.. wakakakkk~
Last but not least,, beberapa hari yang lalu gw gw ketemu sebuah pepatah, ato semacem itu lah.. nih dia..
Life is short ...
kiss passionately, love truly
laugh constantly
And never stop smiling
no matter how strange life is
Life is not always the party we expected to be
but as long as we are here, we should smile and be grateful.
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