Rabu, 22 April 2009

A day @ the mall

O mai God gw cape bangeettttttt!!! gila, ari ni gw jalan di mal, dari jem 1 siang ampe jem 7.30.. kaki gw uda mo gempoorrrrrrr.... T.T

tadi, gw pertma maen dlu di timezone.. bis itu gw diajak nonton.. well, tadinya c gw ga mo nonton.. uda kapok klo nonton bareng2 gtu.. soalnya uda 2x gw diajak nonton dan akhir2nya gw tidur selama film.. bukan gra2 ngantuk, tpi gra2 gw ga kuat nontonnya.. kadang2 gw ga ngerti jga deh,, uda tau gw sensitif ma setan, adegan pembantaian,, pkkny sesuatu yg serem2.. tapi tetep aj gw diajak nonton film begituan.. film pertama judulnya 'the happening', di cerita itu, ceritanya tumbuhan ngeluarin semacem feromon yg ngebuat manusia berusaha ngebunuh diri mreka sendiri.. dan waktu mereka bunuh diri DIKASI LIAT. dan bunuh dirinya tuh ngelindesin diri ma traktor lah,, nusuk arteri leher pake sumpit rambut lah,, ahh,, pkkny serem banget deh..

truz, film kedua tuh the mist.. dari gambarnya kn uda agk serem kan, dan gw uda dapet sedikit pengalaman dari the happening yg dari judul n posternya ga keliatan serem sma skali.. klo ini kn judulnya aja uda 'the mist'. kabut kan biasanya dihubungin ma yang serem2.. gw uda bilang ga mau, cuma tiba2 gw uda dikasi tiket.. yapp, gw uda dibeliin tiket buat film n mau ga mau gw harus nonton.. alhasil, gw tidur wkt film berlangsung..

eniwey,, tadi gw nonton 'knowing'.. agak creepy c, tapi topik ceritanya cukup unik.. tentang kiamat.. yahh, bener kata temen gw,, abis nonton itu qta bakalan punya penghargaan yang baru soal hidup..

ngomong2, hari ini terjadi suatu musibah wkt gw di mal.. kn tadi gw abis makan coldstone,, XD,, truz gw minum kn, dan entah knpa gw bisa bego banget,, gw kurang kenceng nutup aernya.. well, beberapa menit kemudian, gw tiba2 ngerasa celana gw koq basah n di tas gw kayak ada yang netes2.. dan netesnya tuh bukan seiprit2 doank, tapi uda ngucur..
sadarlah gw klo tas gw isinya uda aer semua!!!!
gila, tentu aj gw langsung panik gra2 hape gw dua2nya plus dompet gw ada di tas.. well, dompet gw ama hape gw yang jelek selamat, tapi hape gw yang bagus uda ga ketolong.. hikz2.. padahal tu hape bentar lgi uda mo dijual n harganya masih 500rbuan.. sekarang tu hape tinggal seonggok besi yang ga ada harganya.. TT.TT
well, gw hanya berharap bokap gw kasian ma gw n inisiatif nawarin hape baru.. tapi gw jga c yang harus bayar.. huahh,, sudahlah mank nasib..
well,, segini dlu deh.. kaki gw bener2 uda ga mo kompromi.. sakiiiiiiiitttttttt... T.T

Senin, 06 April 2009

ahh, gitu lah pkknya..

OMG, gw uda lma banget ga nulis blog!!

sori yaa,, belakangan ini gw kehilangan 'gereget' buat nulis blog.. wkwkwk
huahhh,, padahal banyak banget kejadian seru2.. hikz2..

eniwey, baydeway buswey,, tadi tiba2 gw illfeel ma crush gw.. ckckck
ntah knapa tba2 gw ngerasa tuh orang amat sangat kecentilan n pecicilan ma semua cewe.. dan sebenernya beberapa lama yang lalu gw jga uda tau spa yg dia suka.. well, MUNGKIN sebenernya dy ga pecicilan kyk yg gw kira c.. di satu sisi gw mikir klo begitulah cara sosialisasi orang2 yg 'populer',, lawan jenis jga bsa jadi temen baik.. dan klo dia ga deket ma gw, gw jga ga bsa ngomel2.. siapa juga gw, smpe2 dia mo ngobrol ma gw. cuma disisi lain,, MENURUT GWE SMUA CEWE DIEMBAT MA DIAAAAA!!!!!!!!!! TT.TT
huaaa,, gw bnr2 uda ga ngerti ma cara pikir gw.. gw bsa sadar klo gw mungkin bkan spa2 buat dia,, tapi pada saat yang sama gw jga berpikir klo gw pasti di 'highlight' ma dia diantara org2 lain.. duhh,, entah nmanya narsis ato apa.. beneran gw uda pusing banget deh..
huhh,, sudahlah,, mari kita membicarakan sesuatu yang lebih menyenangkan..
pertma,, gw mo ngasi lirik lgu Jason Mraz (lagi.. =P) yg berjudul Mr. Curiousity,, yg mnurut gw lgi cocok banget ma keadaan gw skarang..
beneran deh, kayaknya gw uda jatuh cinta ma Jason Mraz.. I mean, he's not just tallented,, he's also HOT!! wakakakkk,, yasuw lah.. nih liriknyaaa

Mr. Curiousity

Hey Mr. Curiosity
Is it true what they've been saying about you
Are you killing me?
You took care of the cat already
And for those who think it's heavy
Is it the truth
Or is it only gossip
Call it mystery or anything
Just as long as you'd call me
I sent the message on did you get it when I left it
See this catastrophic event
It wasn't meant to mean no harm
But to think there's nothing wrong is a problem

I'm looking for love this time
Sounding hopeful but it's making me cry
(trying not to ask why)
Love is a mystery
Mr. Curious...

Come back to me
Mr. waiting ever patient can't you see
That I'm the same the way you left me
In a hurry to spell check me
And I'm underlined already in envy green
And pencil red
And I've forgotten what you've said
Will you stop working for the dead and return
Mr. curious well I need some inspiration
It's my birthday and I cannot find no cause for celebration
The scenario is grave but I'll be braver when you save me
From this situation laden with hearsay

I'm looking for love this time
Sounding hopeful but it's making me cry
(trying not to ask why)
And love is a mystery
Mr. Curiosity
Be Mr. please
Do come and find me, oh
Find, find me, find me

I'm looking for love this time
Sounding hopeful but it's making me cry
(Trying not to ask why)
Cause love is a mystery
Mr. curiosity
Be Mr. please
Do come and find me

Love is blinding when the timing's never right
Oh who am I to beg for difference
Finding love in just an instant
Well I dont mind, at least I've tried
And I tried, I tried...

hikz,, lagunya sukses bikin gw nangis.. padahal lagunya cepet.. gw binggung, knpa lgu2nya Jason Mraz selalu pas banget liriknya buat kehidupan gw.. huahh,, mank uda jodoh kali yaa.. (maunyaa.. wakakakkk)

ok2,, kedua..
gw mo promosi sebuah toko ice cream yang sangat enaakkkkkkkkk~~


well,, coldstone tuh toko eskrim yang unik banget, karena mereka nyiapin eskrim, tanpa topping apa2,, dan mereka juga nyiapin topping n fudge yang terpisah.. dan toppingnya jga banyaaakkkk,, banget n macem2.. dari yang biasa kayak chocolate fudge, chocolate chip, karamel n stroberi,, ampe yang ga normal kayak adonan kue, pie crust, yellow cake, sampe health bar yang bahkan gw ga tau apaan dan gimana rupa rasanya.. jadi kita bisa piih eskrim mana yang kita mau, truz milih topping apa yang kita mau.. klo toppingnya lebih dari 1 di charge yaa.. coldstone jga nyediain signature creations yang bisa kita pilih.. harganya uda dipukul rata, jadi berapapun topping yg ada di signature creations itu, harganya tetep sama.. nih beberapa diantaranya..namanya lucu2 kn?? wkwkwk yang uda pernah gw coba, chocolate devotion(buat pencinta coklat,, pilih yang ini..),, cookie doughn't you want some( cookie doughnya enak bangeeettt!!)
sma the pie who loved me(cheesecake ice cream, graham cracker pie crust, oreo cookie, fudge.. klo mo coba sesuatu yang baru, pilih yang ini.. enak juga koq..)

ok deh,, uda malem.. sebenernya masih banyak yg mo gw promosiin.. tpi gw uda ga kuat.. jadi promosinya segini aj yakh.. wakakakkk~

Last but not least,, beberapa hari yang lalu gw gw ketemu sebuah pepatah, ato semacem itu lah.. nih dia..

Life is short ...
kiss passionately, love truly
laugh constantly
And never stop smiling
no matter how strange life is
Life is not always the party we expected to be
but as long as we are here, we should smile and be grateful.

Kamis, 02 April 2009

A big blow and ends with a kiss..

ok, hari ini gw kesel bangeeetttttt!!
well, kejadiannya dimulai kmaren, wkt gw debat.. yah,, tau lah gw gmna klo uda didepan umum.. sering ngeblank2 gtoo.. pkkny, tim gw diteken abis2an.. tapii,, kita tuh ngerasa mereka neken kita bukan karena alesan yg jelas.. topik mosinya tuh 'dihapusnya remedial ulangan umum'. tim gw pilih kontra. gw uda binggung banget deh, semua usaha yg uda kita kerahin di counter dengan "kn harusnya semua murid berusaha lebih giat wkt ulum biar ga usah remed sekalian..". tpi hasil2nya lumayan lah.. pa Maraman masi bisa liat koq klo kita tuh berusaha..
TAPIIIIII,,, nih bagian yg bikin gw mulai gondok..
kn kelompok2 laen disuru kasi komentar ttg perdebatan kita.. terus, ada satu anak rese (ga usa nyebutin namanya, kalian jga pasti sebagian bsar uda tau spa..) yg ngomong klo kelompok gw (tapi ngeliatnya ke arah gw) itu terlalu banyak ngasih pendapat yang omong kosong.. wkt itu gw binggung kn, mank gw ngomong apa mpe dibilang omong kosong, n pa Maraman jga mpe nanya, maksudnya omong kosong contohnya apa?? n tuh anak cma bilang 'yahh, gtu lah paa.. hahaha'
swt bangeettt.. uda mulai keki tuh gw waktu itu, tpi kmaren gw masih bisa melupakan dengan mudah.. mungkin mank dy lgi sensi ma gw ato gmana gtu..
LALU HARI INI... gantian tuh anak satu yang debat.. mosinya 'dikirimnya pemuda indo ke jalur gaza'. ntu anak dapet pro. and you know what?? selama debat berlangsung, yang bisa gw pikirkan adalah 'ok, klo kemaren omongan gw omong kosong, omongan dy sekarang tuh SAMPAH!!'. plis deh, walopun tim dy tuh dadakan n ga ada persiapan sama sekali tapi ga usah ampe "menciptakan" sebuah fakta donk! pkkny gw uda enek abis deh ngeliatin dy debat. cuma banyak gaya doank, tapi yang keluar dimulutnya cuma 'blablablablabla....'
pertama2 mreka ngomong klo dikirimnya pemuda indo tuh gra2 empati antar negara, tapi, uda mpe akhir2 tuh anak ajaib tiba2 ngomong dengan pedenya..
"tapi Indonesia kan negara islam, n di al-quran tuh ditulisin klo harus saling ngebantu, apalagi sama2 negara islam.. (palestina tuh negara islam..)"

Whad the hell!!??!?
ok, gw mank ga tralu meratiin KN tapi gw tau kalo INDONESIA TUH BUKAN NEGARA ISLAM. emank mayoritas penduduknya negara islam tapi Indonesia BUKAN negara islam.. No offense (actually, LOTS of offense), tapi ITU KALO BUKAN OMONG KOSONG APA!!?!?!???!!

ugh, gondok abis2an gw tadi.. tapi sudahlah.. alesan gw ngebahas panjang lebar gini adalah biar gw bisa ngelupain kejadian ini.. buat apa nambah dosa gw dengan dendam ma dy??

hmm, truz ari ni pa lgi y yg seru..
oohh,, iya.. wakakakakk.. gini2.. entah knpa, tba2 gw inget suatu cerita wkt gw klaz 7..

di klaz 7f, ada 2 orang, mreka sebelah2an.. yg atu ce, yg atu co.. truz pada suatu hari mreka tuh mo ngomong barengan, jadi nengok bareng2.. nahh, pada saat itu, terjadilah suatu insiden..
wkwkwk, they were accidentally kissed.. and yes,, on their lips.. wekekekekekekkk

well, bis gw inget crita itu gw jadi penasaran.. gw kira2 masih inget spa tuh dua orang 'beruntung', tapi ga yakin.. akhirnya gw tanya temen gw, temen gw tanya temennya lagi, dan pada akhirnya semua orang menebak2.. truz ternyata bener ingetan gw.. yg meyakinkan adalah Maureen yg langsung tereak wkt kita lagi saling bertukar pikiran, "eh, itu kan ***!!!". beneran deh tadi tuh heboh banget.. dan begonya yg ngalamin tadinya ga inget.. lalu akhirnya kita semua ngakak gila2an.. yg ngalamin jga ampe tereak2an mpe naek2 bangku.. wakakakkk,, gw uda lama ga ketawa mpe selepas tadi.. pokoknya tadi seruuuuuuuuuuu..

btw, it happened again.. selama 30 menit dia berada kurang dari 10 meter dari tempat gw berdiri. just when I think I could forget about him, let him be happy with some chick.. life is SO unfair.

Rabu, 01 April 2009

boy, oh boy..

Today, I just found out about something..

my crush,, he is currently close with someone.. and from what I've heard they have gone out for a view times.. dont know if they went together with their friends or just the two of them.. and to tell you the truth, it doesn't really matter to me.. the point is, they are already THAT close..

well, that information frustrated me.. but the crazy thing is, just when I finnished telling myself to forget about him, he showed up right in front of me in a period of 2 hours, more than he ussually does in 2 weeks.. I wonder why does that always happen.. when I think he's not right for me, he suddenly suprises me and makes me even crazier about him..

At that time, I was thinking.. "What if he IS right for me? What if I wait a little longer he will fall for me? What if we are meant to be together??"

But just now I realized something.. "What if.." is all that I could think of since.., forever..
I don't need "What if..". I can't just think a fairytale's gonna happen to me just like that. I'm not saying that it won't happen, but still.. I don't want to miss my real fairytale while I'm trying to make one in my mind.. besides, all this time, I'm way too persistent. Even if some guy means more than the world to me, if God say no, there's nothing I can do, right??
BUT, that makes me think of another problem..
What if the person that is given for me is not what I think he should be? (see, again with the what if.. --")
I know that it would be for the best, but doesn't I deserve a guy whom I like?
I mean, come on.. I want someone that is MY type.. I know that this kind of thinking is not right, and I know that I'm SO selfish.. but don't tell me you doesn't think the same way as I do!!?!?!
We're teenagers.. I suppose It's fine to think like that, for now.. we'll grow up when it's time.. Right?? LOL

Last but not least, song lyrics.. X) this song was sang by Jesse McCartney. I think this is quite the right moment to put the lyrics in this posting. Well, here goes..

Just so you know
by: Jesse McCartney
I shouldn't love you
But I want to
I just can't turn away
I shouldn't see you
But I can't move
I can't look away
And I don't know
How to be fine when I'm not
'Cause I don't know how to make a feeling stop
[Chorus:]Just so you know
This feeling's taking control of me
And I can't help itI won't sit around
I can't let him win now
Thought you should know
I've tried my best to let go of you
But I don't want to
I just gotta say it all before I go
Just so you know
It's getting hard to be around you
There's so much I can't say
Do you want me to hide the feelings
And look the other way
And I don't know
How to be fine when I'm not
'Cause I don't know
How to make a feeling stop
This emptiness is killing me
I'm wondering why I've waited so long
Looking back, I realize it was always there just never spoken
I'm waiting here... Been waiting here...