akhirnya setelah sekian lama mendekam di rumah besok gw mo keluar kota!!! yeaaa~ tapi perginya cuma sehari c. that's a bummer.
buat yg bisa baca ini, salut buat kalian. entah ga sengaja ngeblock ato emang kalian curiga karena ada voidnya. haha. gw mo cerita sesuatu. baca semua yang keliatan dlu, biar ngerti cerita yang ini. tadi gw nanya k bokap gw, kita nginep dimana?
yahh, mo digimanain lagi c,, secara cici gw baru kerja n belom dapet cuti n sepupu gw ambil semester pendek. masa gw mo bertualang sendiri.. bisa2 mo pegi k TA malah nyampe di bogor.. huhh..
truz bokap gw bilang.. "emm, itu namanya Hotel Winston". gila, kaget gw. kayaknya gw belom pernah denger&/lewatin.. truz kta bokap gw ntu mank hotel baru. (kebiasaan bokap buat nyobain hotel bintang baru sebelom harganya jadi overpriced).
eniwey, gw peginya ke bandung, like always. kayaknya ga ada liburan tanpa nginep di bandung deh.. wkwkwk. ahh, sudahlah.. pokoknya gw seneng bsa bener2 liburan.
gw c udah ber-ohh2 ria aja..
btw, minggu depan gw rencana mo ke cisarua. plisplisplis, rencana ini jadi. uda pusing gw, setiap kali ngerencanain sesuatu pasti gagal. huhh..
truz gw jadi inget. kn tadi gw lagi maen pokemon sapphire. karena gw udah ngulang entah keberapa ratus kalinya, gw bertekad yang kali ini gw cuma mencet enter(buat fast forward) kalo lagi diperluin aja.
btw lagi,, TRANSFORMER 2 UDA KELUAR!!!!!!!! X) mau nonton niii.. truz harry potter jga juli uda keluar~~ mau nonton,, mau nonton~~~ wkwkwk
sekalian biar bisa lebih nikmatin cerita. truz uda gtu, didepan woods, kirinya petalburg city, ada seorang trainer. tebak namanya sapa?? yupp. "Rich Boy Winston". Ahh, ada apa dengan nama Winston ari ini??
segini aja deh post gw kal ini.. hmm, jarang2 yaa gw post pendek.. wakakakk. gw panjang2in dikit deh.. haha
apa pertanda gw bakal sekelas lagi? ato justru pertanda klo Tuhan uda puas mempertemukan kita di kelas yg sama? tau deh.. jadi pusing sendiri..
Kamis, 25 Juni 2009
Selasa, 23 Juni 2009
Scary, angry, happy,.. weird.
hari ini aneh.. hahaha. ok, gw menghabiskan seluruh pagi ini dengan berguling2 di tempat tidur seperti biasanya. padahal gw uda bangun jem 9, tapi gra2 mimpi gw yang aneh banget, akhirnya gw males bangun ampe jem 11an.. bis itu gw makan n langsung keramas gra2 rambut gw uda kacau banget walopun gw ga kemana2 2 hari ini.. bis itu mpe jem 3an gw maen pokemon. haha, game lama banget tu.. dlu hot2nya kelas 8-9. apalagi waktu booming PokeNet. huaa, jadi bernostalgia.. X) bis itu jem 3.30 gw ngerengek pesen pizza, soalnya rencananya gw ari ini mo cabut gigi. sejak gw pke behel, gw berusaha membuat pemesenan pizza tiap kli gw mo check-up jadi tradisi.. wkwkwk. well, setelah gw kenyang -ato bisa dibilang ampe belenek- makan pizza n cookie dough dri PHD (yg ngomong2 ampe tgl 30 juni gratis asal pnya brosurnya. n waktu kita mo bayar di struknya disteplesin brosur tsb. jdi klo mo jahat lu pesen aj, bilang ada brosurnya, truz wktu uda nyampe di rumah lu copotin brosur yg dikasih dia. haha) gw ke dokter gigi jem 1/2 5an..
nih, foto2 gw selama di mitra



nah, ini bagian yang nyebelin banget. nyokap ma cici gw kan amat sangat traumatik ama yang namanya dokter gigi, jadi mereka ga setuju banget klo gw cabut ggi lagi. cici gw bahkan dengan bego dan gobloknya bilang ke gw kalo mending gigi gw renggang seumur idup (alias copotin aja behelnya sekalian) dari pada gw disuruh cabut gigi lagi. knapa dia bisa bikin statement sebego itu?? well, sebenernya ketraumaan nyokap gw tuh berawal dari cici gw jga.. cici gw punya indra perasa yang super-duper sensitif, jadi klo lu coel dia aja dia bisa tereak2an kayak lu nonjok dia. truz, yg namanya manusia kan kudu kedokter gigi buat nyabut gigi susu ato nambel dkk. nah, suatu hari, waktu cici gw masih kecil, dia n nyokap gw k dokter gigi buat nambel kayaknya. well, cici gw mulai lebai dah. kata nyokap gw cici gw udah aduh2ah padahal belom disentuh ma dokter gigi. kata nyokap gw ampe ujung gang tereakannya kedengeran. litteraly. soalnya nyokap gw kaga kuat ngedenger tereakan cici gw n kabur k ujung gang. wkwkwk.
well, gra2 itu cici gw jadi strez banget klo mo ke dokter gigi n di umurnya yg 22 skarang, di sekitar gusinya masih ada kira2 3-5 gigi susu. ekstim yakh.
yahh, gra2 nyokap n cici gw gtu, bokap gw jga ikut2an n tadi waktu di dokter, rencananya qta mau nanya, bisa nga klo ga cabut, klo ga bisa, kita mo minta undur dlu. well, YANG TERJADI BUKAN KAYAK GTU!! bokap gw malah bilang k dokternya klo gw 2 hari ini begadang gra2 strez mau cabut gigi. pokoknya semua kata2 bego, goblok, dan idiot dari orang2 sok tau n sok pinter (nyokap n cici gw!!!) malah dibilangin k dokternya atas nama gw. najis. pada akhirnya gw ngomel2 k bokap gw waktu gigi gw selesai dibengkek2 n sempet ngambek bentar. haha
hmm, sebenernya gw ngambeknya bsa lebih lama gra2 gw mank marah banget. cuma kejadian bis itu bikin gw ga kuat ngambek. bis dari dokter gigi, gw k mitra buat ronsen gigi. nah, kn waktu mo ronsen musi isi form dlu,, beneran deh, susternya galak bangeettt.. T.T truz uda gitu, abis gw isi form mbanya bilang gini. "kamu ga hamil kan?". anjrit. DIA KIRA GUE UMUR BERAPA?!? GW KELIATAN KAYAK IBU2 APA??!? TT.TT. bis itu, kn gw n bokap duduk bentar. truz tba2 lewat sorang dokter. dokternya cakep, gila. n walopun ga secakep carlisle di twilight, suster2 disekitar langsung sumringah wkt doi lewat. wakakakk.. eniwey, setelah nunggu beberapa lama, gw disuru masuk,.. sendirian. ama suster galak itu. TTT.TTT. gw dibawa masuk k 1 ruangan yg ada beberapa mesin aneh. truz gw dijelasin, bediri harus tegak, muka ga boleh gerak sama sekali, truz gw disuru gigit tisu. mesin yang pertama, mesinnya muter2 di sekeliling gw n gw bedirinya ngebelakangin pintu, jadi gw ga liat apa2. bis itu gw ditinggal bentar n waktu itu gw gunakan buat foto keadaan tuh kamar. wkwkwk. hebatnya, hape gw low bat sebelum gw foto semuanya. oh, well.. oh ia, dan selama mba itu pgi gw jga sadar klo ini ronsen tuh pke radiasi. pantesan gw ditanya lagi hamil ato nga. radiasi tuh amat sangat ga bagus buat janin. n setau gw jga radiasi yg terus menerus kayak terapi kemo bikin sel telur jga mati. pantes gw ditanya lagi hamil ato nga. tp ttp aj, cara nanyanya bikin nyinggung banget. =P. eniwey, wkt mbanya balik lagi gw pindah k mesin k 2. di mesin ini kedua kuping gw ditutupin semacam karet. peraturannya sama minus tisu. well, di mesin k 2 ini gw ngadep k pintu n gw tau ternyata waktu kedua mesin lagi bekerja susternya langsung ngibrit keluar ruangan. sial. sementara gw lagi terekspos radiasi tuh orang ngacir gitu aja. ckckck. bis mesinnya berenti kerja, susternya masuk lagi n ngelepas karet di kuping gw. gila, kuping gw langsung berdengung dengan parahnya. gw jga ngerasa rada enek. bis itu gw ditinggal gitu aja n disuru kluar sendiri. sempet nyasar gw.. wkwkwk
nih, foto2 gw selama di mitra

ini mesin yang muter2 itu

palang2 di pintu
ini tisu yg gw gigit waktu ronsen

n ini hasil ronsen gw


ok gw sedikit besyukur dengan ronsen dari samping ini.. belakangan ini gw suka ditegor suka cemberut n monyong ma nyokap n tante gw.. sekarang gw tinggal ngasih nunjuk KALO PAKE KAWAT EMANG JADI MONYONG! =P
Senin, 15 Juni 2009
The Unknown World of Social and Science
3 days ago, on Friday the 12th of June, I got my raport card.. well, my hard work paid off.. I can get in both social class and science class.. you know, before the final test I couldn't even get in the social class.. my history grade wasn't very good.. so, for the final test I worked my ass off to study for that particular subject.. back then I thought I wanted to get in the social class REALLY bad.. but when I got the results, somehow everything changed.. well, my mother isn't and has never supported me to get in the social class because of her dreams to have 1 child in the science class. and because back then my sister has no choice but to choose social, guess who's burden with her dreams now? the thing about my mother is that she will do anything to make what she wants happens.. and by anything, I meant ANYTHING. first she told me about that 'dream' of hers, then she started suggesting me to get in to science, suggesting for me to be a doctor or mechanic and/or any job that specialize in science. then when I told her that whatever she said I would still choose social, she changed her plans.. she stared whining about how I'm incompetent and doesn't have what it takes to pick social.. I don't know if that's really what she believes in or so, but it started to give an effect on me.. and also, thanks to her now my father and sister is also telling me the advantages of being in the science class.. well, that friday, I decided to keep choosing social. but today, when I returned my raport card to school and I have to confirmed my choice, though I said social, I had doubts in my heart.. I started to think, what if they're right? what if I DO belong in science class? and the more that I think, I found more reasons NOT to pick social.. well, I'm sure everyone who's reading this blog knows about my history with someone in my class.. yep, my four-years-combo classmate. up till now I'm still confused about what kind of feelings do I have for him.. is it crush? love? or just solidarity for a long time aquantence? well, the word is he picked social. and that's what finally hit me. what if I chose social so I know that there's at least a chance for us to be classmates again? and that's not all. I've had some bad times with a certain 'gank' and almost everybody in that gank chose social.. well, I had the bless not being classmates with them last year. with the smaller range, I don't think I'll be lucky this year too..
You know guys, when I was in that dillema, a dear friend told me, that I shouldn't think about all those thing. I shouldn't think about whom I want (or doesn't want) to be my classmate. nor should I think about what my parents say. sure, they pay for school and all, but it's still my life, not theirs. so I have to make a desicion that depends on what I want, not theirs. and about the classmate thing, she told me that it's just going to be a little obstacles. a little rock that accidently gets in your shoes..
well, that's not exactly what she said, but I think being a little dramatic wouldn't hurt anybody, would it? lol
well, what she said really made my eyes opened.. I started collecting my notes of math, chemist, biology, and phisics. It really brought back a lot of memories.. both good and bad. memories that made me laugh and cry, happy and angry. I guess, I'm just not ready to give up on those subject. I guess I'm just not ready to move on from those memories. after I finnished looking at them, I put them in my cabinet. Then, I don't know what got into me, but suddenly I wanted to hear songs from my mobile.. and I also didn't play it on my playlist as usual, but from the song folders with random playlist. the first song I heard was Catch the Sun, by Jamie Cullum. it wasn't the first time I heard it before, and it's really not a sad song. rather funny, one could say. but when I got to the line "Catch the sun, before it's gone..", I started crying. and I cried good. when the song's finished and I thought the weird emotional phase was over, A Beautiful Mess is on. well, that song always can make me weep when I feel blue.. well, if you think all of the make-you-weep song over, then I'm going to tell you something. Coincidences is a way of God telling his unknown plans. And if He wants me to cry all night, then there's nothing in the world that could stop Him. after A Beautiful Mess, Absolutely Zero comes out, then Life Is Wonderful, and after that Love Is Real walked in. well, while I'm in my crying because of I don't know what, I decided on one thing. It's time for me to grow up. I have to let go of some to get some more back. If I can't let go of the past, then I can't possibly have the guts to try to make a better future. there are many things up ahead and I have to concentrate on it. I'm not saying that I'm going to litteraly forget about the past, but I just have to learn not to let them bug me doing what I need to do right now. So, when I thought I'm ready, I stopped crying, ended it with Live High, then I opened my laptop to write this.
Well, right at this moment, when I type this, the clock says it's already 12:42. So why do I type this blog now when I have to wake up very early tomorrow? well, I want this blog to be a reminder for me. for every time in the future when I don't have the mood to study, for every moment that I think I made a wrong desicion, I want this post to remind me that I have decided I want to be in the social class. that I have decided I'm in because this is what I want. and I decided I'm going to take full responsible for it and I'm going to study like hell. So, that's that..
Ah yes, also, I heard some shocking news about people that doesn't make it on friday. you know, for some of them, I thought they could make it. And I want to apologize to all of you. If I didn't contact you at all, it's not because I don't care. Nor because I for hadgotten about you. But because I don't know what to say. It's because I still think that you guys could've made it. So, I sincerely apologize for my behaviour this view days.
God bless.
You know guys, when I was in that dillema, a dear friend told me, that I shouldn't think about all those thing. I shouldn't think about whom I want (or doesn't want) to be my classmate. nor should I think about what my parents say. sure, they pay for school and all, but it's still my life, not theirs. so I have to make a desicion that depends on what I want, not theirs. and about the classmate thing, she told me that it's just going to be a little obstacles. a little rock that accidently gets in your shoes..
well, that's not exactly what she said, but I think being a little dramatic wouldn't hurt anybody, would it? lol
well, what she said really made my eyes opened.. I started collecting my notes of math, chemist, biology, and phisics. It really brought back a lot of memories.. both good and bad. memories that made me laugh and cry, happy and angry. I guess, I'm just not ready to give up on those subject. I guess I'm just not ready to move on from those memories. after I finnished looking at them, I put them in my cabinet. Then, I don't know what got into me, but suddenly I wanted to hear songs from my mobile.. and I also didn't play it on my playlist as usual, but from the song folders with random playlist. the first song I heard was Catch the Sun, by Jamie Cullum. it wasn't the first time I heard it before, and it's really not a sad song. rather funny, one could say. but when I got to the line "Catch the sun, before it's gone..", I started crying. and I cried good. when the song's finished and I thought the weird emotional phase was over, A Beautiful Mess is on. well, that song always can make me weep when I feel blue.. well, if you think all of the make-you-weep song over, then I'm going to tell you something. Coincidences is a way of God telling his unknown plans. And if He wants me to cry all night, then there's nothing in the world that could stop Him. after A Beautiful Mess, Absolutely Zero comes out, then Life Is Wonderful, and after that Love Is Real walked in. well, while I'm in my crying because of I don't know what, I decided on one thing. It's time for me to grow up. I have to let go of some to get some more back. If I can't let go of the past, then I can't possibly have the guts to try to make a better future. there are many things up ahead and I have to concentrate on it. I'm not saying that I'm going to litteraly forget about the past, but I just have to learn not to let them bug me doing what I need to do right now. So, when I thought I'm ready, I stopped crying, ended it with Live High, then I opened my laptop to write this.
Well, right at this moment, when I type this, the clock says it's already 12:42. So why do I type this blog now when I have to wake up very early tomorrow? well, I want this blog to be a reminder for me. for every time in the future when I don't have the mood to study, for every moment that I think I made a wrong desicion, I want this post to remind me that I have decided I want to be in the social class. that I have decided I'm in because this is what I want. and I decided I'm going to take full responsible for it and I'm going to study like hell. So, that's that..
Ah yes, also, I heard some shocking news about people that doesn't make it on friday. you know, for some of them, I thought they could make it. And I want to apologize to all of you. If I didn't contact you at all, it's not because I don't care. Nor because I for hadgotten about you. But because I don't know what to say. It's because I still think that you guys could've made it. So, I sincerely apologize for my behaviour this view days.
God bless.
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